What We Do

Disability Work Tools ATP consultants help Medical Case Managers and Physical Therapists identify appropriate workplace assistive technologies. These are tools and devices to help a skilled worker with a disability overcome physical limitations. A common belief is that the only kind of job a person with a medical impairment can manage is a desk job – sitting behind a computer all day.  This is not true at all.  Every day, people with missing limbs, back injuries, and chronic illnesses go to work as mechanics, welders, landscapers, farmers, carpenters, and other trades.  Vocational Case Managers can collaborate with occupational therapists and assistive technology professionals to include assistive technology in the return-to-work plan for skilled workers.

People keep moving with assistive technology. It promotes health by enabling people to perform duties on the job that they could not do otherwise. Assistive Technology in the workplace accelerates return-to-work after an injury or illness, even before maximum medical improvement is reached.  With evident health and return-to-work benefits, assistive technology workplace accommodations are rare in the return-to-work continuum of care.

There are three major challenges for the Vocational Case Manager related to workplace assistive technology. They are

a) understanding the physical tasks and environment of the workplace

b) identifying appropriate technology options to help the worker fulfill those tasks

c) acquiring and funding the technology from qualified vendors.

DisabilityWorkTools ATP consultants regularly overcome these barriers and improve return-to-work results with assistive technology solutions.

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